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Case study tips

Our case study gives you an idea of the types of questions to expect during a case study interview.
In the real interview, it will be a discussion between you and the interviewer, and the structure will be much
more free flowing. Here are a few tips:

  1. Take time to think
  2. Ask questions to get the information you need
  3. Summarise how you'll proceed to provide structure to your answer
  4. Provide a detailed answer
  5. Sum up your findings at the end
  6. Be prepared to defend your answers but also be flexible in light of new information
  7. Remember: this is your opportunity to show us your commercial awareness
  1. Make sure you understand what the question is asking
  2. Round up your numbers to make it easier
  3. Explain your thinking
  4. Write things down
  5. Make sure you answer the actual question

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