| UK Careers

If you've applied to our Strategy Consulting team, you'll be asked to do a case study as part of the interview process. We've developed this online tool to help you prepare.

About The brief Simulation Start

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About our case study

Case studies are an important stage of our Strategy practice's recruitment process. To help you prepare we've created a practice exercise which will help you practice your:

These are all important skills we need in our people, so that we can add the right expertise to our client work. Of course, when you join us you'd be trained in the way we approach our work. So what we're looking for in the recruitment process is that you have the skills we're looking for and can further develop.

Simulating assessment conditions

So that you get the best out of our online practice case study, we'd suggest you simulate the conditions you'll be asked to work in on the day. We're not capturing how well you do on this case study, so you can practice as many times as you need to.


  • In total the case study is c. 45 minutes
  • Take the first 5-10 minutes to look through the materials
  • In a real interview, the case would be a two-way discussion with an assessor and you would be required to talk through your thinking
  • While the assessor may ask questions to clarify your responses, you will be expected to come to an answer on your own


On the day you'll get:

  • A pen and paper to make notes
  • You're not able to use a calculator to do your workings out, you need to do this in your head, and on paper. So to make the most of this online case study, don't use a calculator.
  • On the day you'll be able to access reference materials, in this online case study you'll be able to access the brief and reference materials at any time too.