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Launching a new product

If Dunk was to develop a new product for the healthy biscuit sector,
where would it need to focus its efforts?

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Answer: Launching a new product

Read the answers below to check that your workings out are like ours.


Brand and marketing Dunk will need to differentiate this product from the unhealthy image of its other products, possibly by developing a new brand for the new product category. Its likely they will be trying to reach a different customer group and need a different message than they're current customer and product.
Price point and promotion strategy A well thought out promotion strategy is an integral part of a successful product launch. Also, Dunk's target customer is likely to be willing to spend more for the perceived health benefit so the category may provide an opportunity to sell biscuits at a higher price point.
Retailer relationships Dunk will need to negotiate additional shelf space, potentially in a different area of the store, or in specifically chosen stores. In rolling out its new product it may also need to consider which retailers are the most suitable for the initial product launch.


Supplier relationships The ingredients are very similar across biscuit types so there's likely to be little change to Dunk's supplier needs, though packaging may be an area to change in connection with new marketing.
Distribution and warehousing Healthy biscuits would not need significant changes in distribution or warehousing (e.g. refrigeration, greater space).
Personnel Dunk may need to bring in new expertise, such as a nutritionist or marketing manager with experience in health sector biscuits, but the majority of the workforce would not have to change.

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