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Market and revenue sizing

What might Dunk's revenue for branded biscuits have been in 2012?
For this question you'll need to estimate the market

Drag the grey box, to select the answer you think is correct.

£70m £195m £360m £525m
Find the answer

Answer: Market and revenue sizing

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How to do this:

If you made a different but reasonable assumption about weekly biscuit consumption which led you to a different answer, that would be accepted in your interview. What's important is the structure and approach you took to work out the answer. Here's how we worked out the answer:
This question needs to be broken down into component parts where the figures are either intuitive to estimate, or provided in the information. Your interviewer will be looking for logical thought structure. For example - finding the biscuit market size through volume then price, then considering the proportion that is branded and Dunk's market share. We've rounded numbers up to make calculations easier. You can do this on the day too, if you prefer.

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