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PwC Employability E-learn Interview script - Simon

Video – Customer Service:

Candidate: Simon

Watch option B: 

Interviewer: Please tell me about a time when you’ve delivered exceptional customer service?

Oh, right, okay erm, (pause)…...(fast paced) I was working in a supermarket and I had to serve all the customers on the till and also help on the shop floor. We were always really busy…..most of the time I’d be running around trying to help different people at the same time, running at the back and helping people on the shop floor and on the tills when we were really busy. (Pauses, looks down at the floor)  That day we were really busy and I had to work on the till and the shop floor during my shift…….

Interviewer: and what was the situation?

Erm, er, well, that day someone came in and they needed, I was on the shop floor and they needed something for a recipe and they couldn’t find it. To be honest if you don’t, if you don’t go to that supermarket very often it’s very hard to find because it’s very big supermarket so you need a map to find your way around the store. (Realises a lapse, nervously carries on) and then they needed an ingredient so I told them where to find it in the store. (Hesitates) Well, I mean, I…..showed her how in which aisle to find the item in…. (taps foot) but it wasn’t in stock.

Interviewer: So, what did you do in this situation?

Erm…What did I do? I went to check with my line manager to see if there was anything at the back but normally if we have it in stock; it’s always put out on the shelves. We didn’t have it in the back so I said I’d call another branch to…..erm… see if they had it there. Normally, they have more stock because there store is lot larger store than ours, erm, in this case, the customer was lucky that they did. So, I told the customer the good news…. but then she told me that she couldn’t go there that afternoon to pick it up. (pause) 

Interviewer: what did you do next?

Well, errr, I explained to her that she could have this delivered if she ordered it online we have loads of online orders and it’s easy to do….order that way because they…erm….they just drop it off to you. So in the end she ordered online after I helped her….er, to place the order.

Interviewer: okay… tell me more about what you did to help her place the order?

Well I er…..I showed her how to do it online and erm… the store because she wasn’t really sure how to use the system. I think sometimes you just need to be shown how to use …..the service you know because otherwise you don’t know how to use it.

How do you know you this was exceptional customer service?

Erm, well, she thanked me…..for helping her because …..she…..she needed the items for her daughter’s birthday the next day or her party or something, she must have been relieved to get the order before 9am the next day. In fact I think I stayed back late on my shift to help, help the lady out.

And what feedback did you receive?

Actually I was really surprised…. a couple of days later, my manager wanted to meet and discuss something, which doesn’t normally happen, and she showed me an email from the customer which really surprised me. She had emailed the head office to say she was very grateful for my help as I had showed her how to use the system and she could do this herself in the future. Probably won’t be seeing her in the store again!
