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PwC Employability E-learn Interview script - Emma

Podcast – Learning from self and others:

Candidate: Emma

Listen option A: 

Interviewer: Tell me about a time when you've learnt something from feedback you've received from a colleague or a friend or someone else you know

Well….erm…..right so on my gap year – I was in South America - I taught local children English for 6 months and spent 6 months travelling…..I learnt a lot when I was at my base at school, from feedback people had given me….. you know they taught us how to take lessons…showed us where all the materials were, what textbook to use…..where we needed to go to get supplies….that sort of thing. It was a great experience for me and I learnt a lot about their culture and also how different the schools are compared to here….definitely, definitely opened my eyes.

Interviewer: ok , so when, specifically, have you received some feedback which helped you to learn something about yourself?

Erm, right…..(almost thinking out loud) so when I’ve learnt something from someone about me…….er well err…..Okay….I watched Anita, my friend on the placement, teach a class and I learnt a new technique for my own class… know it’s a good learning experience….I didn’t really have many interactive elements in my class but Anita did so I adapted some of the things she used for the children in my class.

Ok, take me back to what it was you learnt? 

So…. Well I learnt how to make my classes better for the age group I was teaching…. You know basically, I learnt how to put the exercises together from Anita.

Interviewer: And how did this come about?

Well it was after I’d watched her class - I thought it would really help me to teach my classes better ……so I added it in …..and clearly the children loved it - I could tell they were having fun when we were using the exercise; it was quite basic, just matching words to sentences using bits of card but it went down really well. … all the children really liked it…and it taught them some new words – so yeah gold star for me on that front!

Interviewer: What did you learn from this feedback?

Well, I learnt that you know you can get new ideas from different situations….like you know watching Anita’s class really helped me think about how I could do mine differently…so yeah I definitely learnt a lot…….

Interviewer: and how did this feedback help you?

Well as I said, I learnt a lot about how I could have done my class differently……plus the children learnt new words which they used in sentences. I guess you could say that my learning also helped them – it showed when nearly all of them got the answers that day.
